Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Do you HemP?

Hemp has been around for thousands of years and industrial hemp is grown everywhere except the United States.  I suggest you read THIS article about hemp and its early uses. Very informative!

Hulled hemp seeds are now a power food (And no, they will not get you high or cause you fail a drug test) My friend Kat has been adding them to her smoothies for some time, but only recently I was at A Marriott and they had them at their breakfast buffet. It was delicious sprinkled on my oatmeal. 
From Bob's Red Mill site: 
 Hemp seed may be one of nature's most perfect foods. Considered a complete protein, hemp seed delivers 5 grams of protein in a 2 Tbsp serving, making them a great addition to vegan and vegetarian diets. Hemp is truly a super food providing a perfect balance of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids in each serving. These fatty acids promote heart health, lower triglycerides, work to reduce inflammation, promote brain health, and support the immune system. Low in carbohydrates, hemp seeds are ideal for those following the paleo diet or who need to be carb conscious for their health.

I found protein powder too!

So, have you tried it?


  1. I was just looking at a hemp protein by Nutiva the other day, but I haven't tried it. Thanks for posting the info. Looks like something good to be adding into the mix.

  2. Yes! I use hemp protein powder when I do a breakfast smoothie! I thought the color might get to me, but its great!

  3. I just bought some hemp hearts today :)


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