Monday, May 12, 2014

Memorial Hotshot Run

"The Memorial Run began following the South Canyon Fire tragedy on July 6, 1994, when 14 wildland firefighters lost their lives outside of Glenwood Springs, Colorado. This event raises money for the Wildland Firefighter Foundation."

This was only 1/2 hr from my house and I  it was such a great cause I thought it would be perfect for a training run before my half marathon later this month.

The course description: The 10K run will be primarily single and double track trail. The trail will take you on a loop through Juniper woodland with views of the community of Prineville.

I should have taken a cue when it said "views" of the community. 
It was drizzly and chilly before the start of the race. I ran into my friend Cheri who I worked with for years at Weight Watchers.
It was a gorgeous park and there was no doubt what we were raising money for.
Here's that view they mentioned. Holy smokes! What a climb on a dirt trail! (so glad I've been doing some of that lately)
Here was a relatively smooth, flat spot that I felt comfortable taking a photo while running. I'm pretty much all by myself, so I'm happy it was flagged well.

Here's a terrific photo of a group of hotshots coming in the finishing chute (courtesy of facebook)
Hubby was able to get a few shots at the end. The last 1/4 mile or so was running on grass. So, a little grass, a little asphalt, , mud trail and rocks.... yep, that about covers it!
It was the hardest course I've ever ran. Oh yeah, did I mention it was raining for a time as well? 
Hey! I may do it again next year! 


  1. Well it sounds like a challenging run. Looks beautiful as well.

  2. Sounds like a great training run. I can't wait to kick this cold/cough/sinus thing and get back to running.

  3. You never cease to amaze me, or should I say "inspire"!

  4. Wow! Looks like quite the challenge but fun!

  5. What a beautiful course, but challenging for sure! The varied terrain would help to keep it interesting though! You are amazing with all you do!


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