Friday, November 25, 2011

Hot Chocolate vs Egg Nog

If you have a choice this season and you are watching calories choose hot chocolate- even if it is made with whole milk it is still better on fat, calories and cholesterol.

Hot Chocolate
262 calories
8 grams fat
27 milligrams cholesterol
429 milligrams calcium

459 calories
25 grams fat
201 milligrams cholesterol
442 milligrams calcium


  1. Defiantly Hot chocolate wins every time.

  2. I would go for the hot chocolate too. I make mine at home with sugar free vanilla coconut milk that I steam. Yum!

  3. Good advice! And consider making it a luxurious cup of hot chocolate. If it's the best you can get, it will satisfy. Moonstruck is a favorite of mine.


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