Sunday, July 8, 2012

4th of July Run

 Although I only got home from my back east trip on the 3rd I thought I was up to running the annual Todd Beamer Independence Day 10k. (this is a local Todd Beamer) This race is organized by his dad to keep his son's memory alive by having a scholarship run. The spirit of this run is awesome!
My daughter Rene opted to run with me and Cory took a couple of photos where it passes close to our house.
Surprisingly after not running much the previous week I got my best time for a 10K! Woo-Woot! It helps that I let my daughter set the pace! lol


  1. Good for you. Also glad to hear that his dad is doing this. I did not know him but knew a good friend of his that went to school with him.

  2. I love that photo! And what an awesome thing to do, keeping the memory alive.


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