Friday, August 17, 2012

Learning to Run

So, you think you might want to try running? Worried about your age? You can start running at any age! Middle age is a popular time, for women especially, to take up running as we finally realize we aren't getting any younger and want to do something to battle weight gain, fatigue and menopause symptoms.

Regular running slows the effects of aging, according to a 2008 study from the Stanford University School of Medicine that has tracked 500 older runners for more than 20 years. Elderly runners have fewer disabilities, a longer span of active life and are half as likely as aging non runners to die early deaths, the research found.

Fries(senior author of the study)  was surprised the gap between runners and non runners continues to widen even as his subjects entered their ninth decade of life. The effect was probably due to runners’ greater lean body mass and healthier habits in general, he said.

First things first. Have a health check if you need it or have concerns. Talk to your doctor.

Invest in a good pair of running shoes. Go to a running store and have them fit your feet. Running on trails or grass will be kinder to your joints. (Ask me how I know)

Start slowly, then walk/jog and build your endurance gradually.

Be sure to add rest days as they are as important as walking/jogging.

When you're ready sign up for a 5k. Lots of people run/walk these and it's a great way to meet other active people!

Click here for a great link to running/walking to stay injury free.


  1. Wow, more reasons to keep chugging along with running!

  2. I believe this so strongly. In the short two years that I have been more serious about running, I have seen the gap between myself and my non-running friends. I have fewer colds and amazing, fewer aches and pains!


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