Friday, December 28, 2012

New Year, New Beginnings

I love the new year and the feel of a fresh start.I joined yoga today as my Pilates class has been cancelled until further notice.
I really felt like I needed a break from running. The last race in the wet and cold has been really hard on my body and I've been aching all week.
I've purged the kitchen of the holiday junk food and am ready for a new year and a new beginning.

What do you do to start the new year? Do you have a healthy/active new years resolution?


  1. We are cleaning out the cupboards and fridge today and doing some serious meal planning. Goodbye sugar, hello healthy eating!

  2. I've decided to join Weight Watchers to lose this extra 100 pounds that has crept up on me over the last 9 years. And I'm going to get back to running, which is one of the activities that I love to do!

    1. Pati - Lori is a great resource and support. Best wishes on this journey!

  3. What I find hard it that with a husband and teenage boy in the house, its hard to purge the home of junk food or as my son says "snack foods" I just half to find my inner discipline to stay clear of it. I did go out for a 4.62 mile walk with my girlfriend in downtown today and will go out tomorrow .
    Bought the Zumba CD's with my Christmas will see how that goes.


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