Wednesday, May 27, 2015

What I'm Doing

I've been running....
And eating right. 

I was cruising right along, managed a 12 mile training run on Saturday, then hit a bit of a wall on Monday. 

I've been getting pretty stiff so I opted for a massage, lots of foam rolling  and a few days of rest. Seriously, can running cause a stiff neck? Lol 

Self care is in order! 
What do you do when your body yells "Help"!?


  1. I'm a fan of napping 😉
    It is good to pay attention to the signals. I am working on drinking more water too.

  2. Is that all you're doing?? LOL Seriously, you're Wonder Woman. Yes, gotta take care and listen to your body. Massage and rest are awesome, but I know it's hard to think rest when you're training for your event. Sounds like you're doing all the right stuff though.

  3. You re amazing, Lori.
    For TLC I like a hot bath w sea salts and epsom salts, maybe a little essential herbal oil [in the salts jar] and an hour or so extra sleep.


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