Most of you know I'm a quilter and an activity junkie. I'll be combining my blogs and everything will be at Humble Quilts from now on.
With another hiking season here I'm finding myself at the computer more than I'd like and I'm hoping by putting my 2 passions together I'll still have plenty of time for both!
Thank you!!
Monday, May 6, 2019
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Idaho Exploring
The forecast for my trip to Boise was blue sky and warm!
This was taken near Dayville, Oregon on my drive over.
Was thrilled to see my niece and her little boy. We had talked several months ago about me making some type of quilt with his old clothes. I brought home a bag full!!
The terrain near my sisters is very similar to the high desert at home, but their climate is a bit milder so more was in bloom.
Of course, the best way to get exercise and enjoy the weather is by hiking!
We took the high trail to a waterfall because a big school bus full of kids took the low path!!
We got up a bit earlier the second morning so we could get back and cleaned up for my quilt lecture.
Was fun to spend time with my sister.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Spring Backpacking
I joined the WA Mountaineers for a backpacking trip with a couple of friends. This was my first time going with several people I didn't know. We had a terrific time and was able to get my backpacking legs warmed up for more trips this year!
Michelle took this selfie of a few of us on Umtanum Ridge where we pitched our tents.
Lunch break at a cafe... LOL
Stuart Range- wow!
It would be cool to have a one man tent when I'm not with Cory or the dogs, but it is nice to have room to pull everything inside. (except food, which gets tied to a tree away from camp)
One of the guys on the trip brought his camera and graciously shared some photos, the last 3 are ones I'm sharing here.
Mt Rainier
Amazing views! Can't wait for more! Time to try and pare down my pack weight and keep working my muscles with weights!!
Monday, April 8, 2019
Hiking in Virginia
I'm visiting my friend, Bonnie, in southwest Virginia. So fun for me to see new parts of the USA.
Beautiful views of the Blue Ridge.
Got to hike a little on the AT!
Little Wilson Creek. I'm part of an online hiking community called American Women who Hike so I bring my flag if I know I'm hiking in a fun area.
We came across this abandoned shack,
Once we realized nobody was coming out with a shotgun we took a look around. There was a sign inside that said, "Hunters and fishermen Welcome, Family by Appointment"
So happy Bonnie likes to get outdoors too!
Friday, March 22, 2019
Hiking Near Snoqualamie
My friend, Linda, who is also a quilter asked if I'd like to go hiking when I was in Seattle this past weekend. Of course I did! The weather was beautiful with clear skies.
There was still snow so we wore our microspikes for added traction. After wearing running yaktrax up St Helens last year I got some "real" microspikes!
Photo by BobbyJo.
Photo by BobbyJo
The girls pretty much kicked my butt and I still had to drive home!
I didn't mind one bit with views like this. It was the prettiest drive I remember in a long time.
Getting ready for our first backpacking trip in April! Whop! Whoop!
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Central Oregon Hiking
Before we were completely hammered with snow a little over 2 weeks ago I thought I better get out while I could for a local hike.
Tam-a-Lau Trail is close enough and pretty easy to get to the trailhead.
The view is spectacular!
When its clear you can see the entire mountain range.
While there wasn't a lot of snow on top, it was a bit muddy.
The loop on Elsa's nose is called Gentle Leader. She has gotten to be a bit of a puller and that helps. She was off leash since we were the only ones on the trail.

The phrase "Tam-a-Láu" means "place of big rocks on the ground" in the local Native American language.
I'm ready for the snow to be gone so I can get back out there and get ready for an adventurous summer!
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