Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Spring Backpacking

I joined the WA Mountaineers for a backpacking trip with a couple of friends. This was my first time going with several people I didn't know. We had a terrific time and was able to get my backpacking legs warmed up for more trips this year!

Michelle took this selfie of a few of us on Umtanum Ridge where we pitched our tents. 

Lunch break at a cafe... LOL

 Stuart Range- wow!

It would be cool to have a one man tent when I'm not with Cory or the dogs, but it is nice to have room to pull everything inside. (except food, which gets tied to a tree away from camp)

One of the guys on the trip brought his camera and graciously shared some photos, the last 3 are ones I'm sharing here. 

 Mt Rainier

Amazing views! Can't wait for more! Time to try and pare down my pack weight and keep working my muscles with weights!!

1 comment:

  1. I had a fabulous time
    Yes. Going to try getting my base weight down as well. Oye. Not sure how except getting rid of stuff sacks??? Looking forward to many more trips


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