Monday, November 10, 2008

Fad? or for a Lifetime? Part 2

In the last post I mentioned that we need to look down the long road. When I listened to the WW member on Rachel Ray it struck me that we can all benefit from writing a list to use and read often to keep us inspired and motivated.
So, I am offering a challenge to my Weight Watcher members and anybody else that reads this blog: Start a list TODAY of 25 things that will inspire you to lose weight or inspire you to keep losing weight . It may take a few days or a week to come up with 25 things- that's a long list. As you move throughout your day something may come to you and you can add it to your list. Keep it nearby and read it regularly. Put it in your bathroom or closet so you can see it when you get dressed. Post it on the inside of your pantry door, your refrigerator or anywhere you can read it. I like the idea of putting in a calender form and reading one thing on your list every day for 25 days.
It can be difficult to stick with your commitments when pumpkin pie and peanut brittle is calling your name. What will inspire you?
Here are a few ideas you may want to use for your list:

1. I can save money and shop in my closet. (most of us have clothes that are too small or numerous sizes)
2. I can raise my kids as a role model of eating healthy and being active.
3. My husband will find me sexy.
4. I can keep up with my dog when we go for a walk.
5. I may be able to do some sports I used to do when I was in high school.

You get the picture. If you can think of other things and want to share what has inspired you please don't be bashful- post a comment.


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