Thursday, November 6, 2008

Vote "Yes" For Yourself

How often do you "vote for yourself" by deciding to make your needs a priority? By Taking Care of Yourself you can make your weight management a priority and promote long term success.
Taking care of Yourself encompasses Eating Wisely, Moving More, Thinking First, and Attending Your Weekly Meeting.
I'm not talking about being selfish and thinking the world revolves around you. :) I'm talking about making healthy changes in your lifestyle and not leaving the bottom of the barrel for yourself.
With that said:

Vote "NO" to:

1. Always letting others' needs take priority.
2. Allowing "have-to's" to dominate your life.
3. Losing motivation.
4. Being a "yes" woman or man.
5. Feeling guilty about making your weight loss efforts a priority.

Vote "Yes" to:

1. Valuing your needs and much as you value the needs of others.
2. Making time to do healthy activities.
3. Finding the motivation to work towards your goals.
4. "Vetoing" requests that will get in the way of healthy commitments you've made to yourself.
5. Saying goodbye to guilt.

Make sure you are making time to do the things that you've committed to doing. If you've committed to attending your meetings every week, then do it! If you've committed to exercising everyday, then do what it takes to keep that commitment.

Don't give so much that you have nothing left for yourself.

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