Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 Goals

Here we are in 2009! I hope you are all happy with your weight loss success in 2008. Let's look forward to a healthier new year.
What do you hope to accomplish this year? Do you have your next goal set? We need to keep looking ahead and taking those small steps forward to get what we want. If you have reached your 10% goal, what is your next goal? Another 10%? 5%?
I encourage you to write down your goal and refer to it often. If you want to share it with me I"ll help keep you accountable.
I believe you all have the knowledge and power to reach whatever goal weight you have set for yourself.
My goal for this year is to climb South Sisters and make a point of hiking at least once a month. I didn't get a chance to do this as much as I would have liked in 2008 so I'm going to make it more of a priority this year.
If you have blown it over the holidays today is a great day to start fresh!!!
Have a wonderful week!!

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