Friday, May 22, 2009

Managing Memorial Day Food & Fun

Memorial weekend is generally considered the kick-off for summer. Do you have plans that revolve around food? barbecues? potato salad? chips?

Can you make traditional dishes lighter? Yes you can. You can do a Google search and find many alternative light ingredients for high fat recipes.

Alcohol was a topic that came up this week. You can drink light beer and it is generally 1-2 points per can or bottle. You can add a bit of club soda to wine and make a spritzer for less points. The problem with alcohol isn't so much the points values it is what is does to our judgement. Will you be more apt to eat more if your a bit tipsy?

We also talked about healthy habits. (If you haven't read Book 4 for awhile it'd be great to re-read it now)

Prepare Yourself- Successful members set goals, plan their efforts, and prepare for challenging events. Make a specific plan to stay on track.

Ask for Help- What type of help may you need at the picnic or family reunion?
Who might you need to ask for help?

Take Care of Yourself- Value your needs as much as the needs of your family, work and friends. What you are doing is important!

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."~Jim Ryun

1 comment:

  1. Hello Lori: This is Barbara McCary sending you a message. I also am a quitter, and since my life is so full of stress and work, have had great difficulty in sticking with anything long enough to loose the weight I gained over the last 21 years. When I gave birth to my third child after not having children for 21 years, it changed everything. I was a full time manager at UTNW, Redmond, and also exercised every night to deal with the stress of the job. I was raising two teenage girls who attended Redmond High School and were moved from their hometown of Hood River with no other options.
    Have gone through a lot with the 14 years since here in Madras and do know if I apply the concepts they will work. You were right. My self talk is a killer. I decided to take a two week time off from weighing in and am doing an extensive exercise routine to see if I can break the curse of not dropping the pounds. I must get into the 70's just for better health and to prepare for what is coming in the future. It is hard to find time for ME at all in my life, and have a 71 year old husband who is still working our business of 14 years and just all he can do to get through each day. With The Lord's help and grace there will be a positive outcome to this story. I am still following the points each day, even though this is like another task or job I must complete. Must love myself enough to do it and then I will be able to love others equally. Thanks Barbara


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