Thursday, July 23, 2009

Move More-Whatever the Weather

"Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it."~ Plato

Plato lived 400 years BC and even then he was reminding people of the importance of staying physically active.
I never really thought about that before. I figured they were keeping busy and moving more just living life! Oh yeah, the men sat around the center of town and the woman did all the work! LOL

We can always find a "weather" excuse not to exercise, but in the summer it's easy to say "It's too hot! It's too humid!" (I better not hear that excuse in Central Oregon) Yet this is actually a great time of the year to be more active. Ever hear of "Summer Fun?"

I'm going to cover a couple of safety issues first.

  • The intensity of your activity can seem more intense when it's hot outside. Listen to your body and think about your intensity level.
  • Go out early in the day or later in the evening. If you are out midday, keep an eye on the clock. Wear sunscreen!
  • Drink plenty of fluids to keep hydrated.
  • Wear the proper clothing for the weather. Do you know they make clothing now that screens out the UV rays?

Think back when you were a child and all the fun activities you used to play during the summer. I'm not expecting you'll get out and play kick the can with the neighborhood kids (unless, of course, you want to!) but the idea of a carefree, fun activity is what we want to think about.

How long has it been since you've ridden a bike? How about rollerblading? Volleyball? Badminton? Ping Pong? Frisbee? Swimming? Hiking?

Sometimes it really is too hot to be outside and be active. Look for classes at the gym, YMCA, senior center, community center. How about the Wi-Fit or DVD's to do indoors?

Keep activity regular and you will really see the difference!

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