Thursday, July 30, 2009

No More Dieting

Does anybody know when the word diet went from a noun to a verb?
Noun: Food and drink regularly consumed
Verb: An allowance of food prescribed for a special reason (as to lose weight)

I'm going on a diet. Getting or going on something means at some point you'll need to get off. Nobody loses weight to regain it! We really need to look at weight loss more as a new lifestyle and not a diet. (verb) It is critical that we lose weight in a way that we can live it.

Are you making changes in your diet (noun) that are too extreme? Or can you see the changes fitting into your lifestyle for the long run? WW and the Momentum plan really are set up to be satisfying and sustainable.

Some changes you may have seen as far as Eating Wisely:
You prefer to eat more fruits and veggies.
You are drinking plenty of water and see the health benefits.
You are choosing foods from the filling food list as you can tell they keep you satisfied.
Knowing when to add some protein and keep hunger at bay.
You are only eating a small piece of pie for dessert instead of 1/2 pie.
You realize 1 oz of chips is really enough.

What have you noticed about Moving More?
Are you beginning to enjoy it?
Do you take notice of how you feel when you forget to exercise?

Are you Thinking First more often?
I hope you are thinking about the choices you have. Hmmmm, an apple or some chips? It's a choice and it's your choice. Are you beginning to reach for the healthy foods first?
Have you taken note of how your clothes feel?
Are you feeling healthier?

I can't say enough about the support you get by Attending your WW meeting.
Not only do you have the accountability of the scales, but you are with a group of like minded people that can help you succeed, answer questions, or relate your frustrations.You are an important factor in the meeting room!

I have to say while I had company here last week I ate a lot of food I don't normally eat. The house was flowing with bread and cheese, wine and sangria's.I also made sure to keep out plenty of fruit and veggies. The abundance of food didn't seem like "normal" eating to me. When my company left I reverted back to "normal", which is healthier eating, keeping an eye on my points intake. It felt good for me to realize my "diet" is "normal!"

It can be your normal eating too. There is no reason to regain the weight you've lost or are losing. Get your mindset right and you'll live a happier healthier lifestyle.

"The road to success is constantly under construction."

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