Friday, August 7, 2009

Beyond Chicken(s)

Thanks Christine @ Front Porch Indiana for giving me permission to use this photo.

Are you eating the same things over and over because their "safe" and you know the points values?
When was the last time you tried a new recipe?
If you haven't tried something new in a while, what's stopping you?

Variety is what will keep your weight loss livable.

On the left of this post click on food finds and you'll find a few of my favorites.

Maybe you haven't thought of one of these foods for awhile.

La Tortilla wraps for a breakfast burrito using Egg Beaters and veggies
Old fashioned Shredded Wheat
Alternative bagels (approx 110 cal, 7g fiber, 0g fat) check out the recipe section of this website
Alternative English muffins (approx 100 cal, 4 g fiber, 1 g fat))

Boca Burgers (approx 120 cal, 5g fiber, 5 g fat)
Trident salmon fillets (170 cal, 0 fiber, 9g fat- Costco)
Jarlsberg light cheese (1 oz- cal 70, fib 0, fat 3.5)

These are just a few of the products that were brought up this week.

It is easy to fall into eating ruts. This can lead to boredom, which can leave you vulnerable to temptation and unplanned eating.
Sometimes all it takes is one new food to regain your enthusiasm for losing weight.

Go BEYOND CHICKEN this week!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lori,
    I found this blog through the link from your quilt blog and must tell you how much it's helped me this week...thanks so much for all you do to encourage others...


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