Friday, January 1, 2010

Resolutions That Work

Have you ever made a resolution to lose weight and fell off the wagon at noon on January 1st? I have!! It's easy to lose motivation after a short time. We let daily life get in our way of what is important to us. Maybe you've set goals that are not realistic.

You can make resolutions that you can keep! Use these strategies for short and long term goals.

Make sure your goal is stated in the positive. Instead of "I'm tired of being fat." say, "I'd like to be 20 pounds lighter". What do you want to move toward?

Be specific. Good goal setting also details when and how you will achieve it.

Make sure your goal is within your control. Base your goals on changes YOU can make, not what you may expect from others.

Make sure your goal is a good fit with your life. Will your plan work right now where you are in life?

Your first challenge of the year is to write down your goal with all these factors in mind. Writing it down adds clarity and dimension and allows you to take ownership of your goal.

May you have a happy and healthy 2010!!!

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