Monday, January 11, 2010

Staying on Track with Tracking

Tracking, or writing down what you are eating is a huge part of losing weight with Weight Watchers.

We know the science of losing weight is burning more calories then we take in. How do you how much you are really taking in? You don't, unless you track!

It gives us so much awareness about what we are eating, how much we are eating and even why we are eating.

There are several ways of tracking on the WW program. We give you a weekly tracker every meeting. There is the three month tracker (my favorite) and the electronic points calculator. If you have the monthly pass or an etools subscription you can enter your foods online and the points values pop up for the food you eat. You can even enter your food information on your iphone linked to your etools subscription.

You may need to vary your tracking depending on how busy you are in a certain week. Some people track the day BEFORE so they'll have an easy plan to follow and know exactly how many points you will be eating.

When you track YOU are in control of your weight loss- no more guessing at how you did.
Your challenge this week is to write down one thing you learn from tracking.

When I was losing weight I tracked faithfully and learned that when I was having a bad eating day was the days I skipped breakfast. That was a real aha moment for me and now I always start my day with a healthy breakfast as it sets the tone for the rest of my day.

Make it a tracking week!

1 comment:

  1. I am new to Weight Watchers and appreciate your blog! I hope to be able to stick with it and have the success you have! God bless!


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