Friday, March 18, 2011

Take Good Notes!

I got a newsletter today and one article was "The Golden Rules of Weight Loss".
The number 1 rule was take good notes- track what you eat! I knew I was onto something when I suggested that as our first challenge. As a past Weight Watcher leader that is the number one thing I would recommend. It really gives you a good view of what you are eating, when you are eating, and why you are eating.

You can read the full article at Runner's World.

If you didn't track very well this week try it again this coming week. If you tracked, did you learn anything about your eating habits?  For me, I've been a slacker as far as eating fruits and vegetables. We seem to be in between seasons where nothing is very good. Any suggestions?

Who would like to issue the next weekly challenge? Shoot me off an email and I'll post it this weekend.
When you are done walking/exercise for the week leave a comment with your mileage or minutes and I'll post a total.

Stay strong!!


  1. I have tracked my food for two days now. It is enlightening :)
    Ran 9 miles so far. Hoping for a 4 mile run on Saturday. I think it was a pretty good week.

  2. Thanks for sharing the article! I have found racking my food is very helpful. I use a free app on my smartphone called My Fitness Pal.

  3. I've not been working out as much I should and at the intensity that I should. Will try harder next week.

    I've been tracking my food intake and I find like you, I'm not getting enough fruits beginning of this week but it's rectified since Thursday.

  4. I logged 13 miles this week and recorded my food 3 days! Thanks for the motivation.


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