Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Challenge Checking In

Today I was out on a leisurely walk with the dog and was thinking about the spring challenge. I've been feeling really good and with three more weeks to go wanted to share an update with you all.
I'd love to hear how you are doing and any changes you have noticed.

Weekly Challenges:
Week 1: I am still trying to track  my food intake every few days. I need the accountability at this time in my life.
Week 2: I tried another healthy recipe. I wouldn't say it is a recipe cause there are hardly any ingredients:
Pound chicken breasts and sprinkle a little olive oil and Greek seasoning- grilled in the George Forman.
Tsaziki type sauce- 2 small containers of Greek yogurt, 1 shredded cucumber, crushed garlic. I shredded the cucumber in several paper towels and squeezed out the liquid. Then I wrapped it in a few layers of paper towels to remove moisture. After a couple of hours I mixed it with the yogurt and garlic. Refrigerate for the flavors to meld. Serve with chicken breast, pita bread and veggie.
Week 3- still waiting for spring and love having flowers in the house!
Week 4- Change up the exercise routine.
I bought a new video!
I admit, I'm a Biggest Loser fan! I love this workout!

I'm prepping for a 10k and because I'm pushing myself out jogging do not want to do it every day. This is what I've been doing in between runs.
It has a 5 minute warmup, 3 different 20 minute routines, and a 5 minute cool down.

My son was home this weekend and we jogged 5 miles together! I still can't believe I did that. It was slow and that was ok. Once a week I've been doing a long run and increasing every week. Now, once a week I am going to work on picking up my pace. 26 days until the run- Mother's day, birthday combo sort of run for me. I want to finish in 70 minutes.

This week challenge: Drink water!  As your activity increases and the weather warms we need more fluids. Make sure to drink 3 large glasses of water every day...

1 comment:

  1. Extra water is a good thing. I have been feeling a bit dehydrated from my allergies and meds. And herbal, caffine free tea counts as water intake :)
    I am going to go back to tracking my food intake for the next few weeks.
    I have a Jillian Michaels dvd that I love and it comes in very handy on these rainy days.


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