Saturday, July 16, 2011

Who's Got the Berries?

Look what I got at the farmers market today! We had such a slow start to spring it is about time there is something at the market other than crocheted dish cloths! LOL
Berries are so good for you and one cup is less than 100 calories. I've been buying unsweetened frozen mixed berries to put in my morning yogurt, but am looking forward to adding fresh berries.

"Oregon leads the nation in production of commercial blackberries and black
raspberries. It’s third in production of blueberries and red raspberries. It ranks fourth in production of
cranberries. Oregon is not just known for its berry quantity, but also berry quality."
There is going to be a berry festival in Portland July 22 and 23rd. If you are close by you should check it out. It sounds berry fabulous! LOL

Driscoll's is a  terrific site if you are looking for recipes or nutritional info.

1 comment:

  1. I have been enjoying the blueberries but has some raspberries that were pretty tasteless. I need to get out to the farmer's market this week too. Our weather has been so cold and wet that I fear we will have very few berries in our yard this summer. A cup of blueberries keeps my hands busy when I am thinking of chips :)


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