Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fooducate App

I found a very cool app for my iphone the other day. It called Fooducate.

I was scanning all kinds of products in my kitchen yesterday. The first thing I grabbed was a carton of Swanson's 100% natural chicken broth.

A photo of the item comes up along with a grade- C+ for the broth, then calories per serving.
Below that there is a red mark alerting me to the fact that this broth is salty and has 35% of the daily max. That is per serving which is 1 cup!!

Later I scanned my tortillas and it warned me that what I was eating had over 35 ingredients in it!!

Overall I think this will be a good tool for me and be a reminder to check my labels!!. If you try it, let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. I downloaded this app but haven't used it yet but it is on my list to explore. Looks great!


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