Monday, December 10, 2012

Skinny Rules

I mentioned some time back I has read Bob Harper's new book:

I thought I’d share a few of his rules. I know I've been trying to implement many of them for years, but reading it again reminds me of the importance. 

 1. Drink water before every meal. 

In winter I'm really bad about drinking water, so I've been focusing on this a lot. It aids in muscle recovery, helps our skin stay hydrated in winter and so many more benefits. Do you have a trick to make sure you get plenty of water? I'd love to hear it.

2. Don't drink your calories. 

For me this is a no brainer. It’s a bit harder to do this time of the year though.   

 3. Eat protein at every meal.

I've been trying to pay more attention to this. He recommends fish, eggs, poultry, pork, beef and cheese. 

 I'd love to know your thoughts on his book if you've read it or just these to start with.



  1. I haven't read this book but I have it on hold to read over my break - good launch for the new year. The rules you listed make sense - especially the water, I really need to be better about that too.

  2. I'm on a very strict diet, as I'm lactose and fructose intolerant. No sugar except the ! tablespoon I use when I bake two loaves of bread. Tolerate very few fruits. Mainly eat plain veggies, and plain meats. I measure out two quarts of water each am, and drink a lot with my first probiotic of the day about an hour before I eat breakfast. It helps other things keep moving also. I use a lot of herbs in the veggie soups I make, with potatoes, carrots, onion,garlic, celery, zucchini, swiss chard, kale, lentils, barley, mushrooms. I got a lot of recipe ideas from the internet. I tell people I can't eat anything that makes me fat, and I struggled with wt. years ago.


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