Friday, November 15, 2013

Plagued With an Injury

I'm still trying to run after the marathon on October 6.  It is very frustrating. Other than super tired legs and hurt calves from a crappy skydive landing, I have not had a chronic injury due to running, until now. (which I feel so thankful for!)
I zipped into the physical therapist office and talked to them about what was going on with the outside of my knee, which they determined was my ITB. It  really started hurting the last 3 miles of the marathon and I haven't been able to run more than 1.5 since then. (walking and hiking seems fine, so I've been doing that for now)
I decided I have to be vigilant about stretching and taking care of it if I want to run at all this winter or be ready for any spring races. See how it is attached to your hip? It was an eye opener for me to see how I need to be stretching my hips as well!
First course of action- foam rolling! I've never been coordinated and am having a hard time rolling from my knee up to my hip. The YouTube videos make it look so easy!

I bought the stick this past summer and have resorted to using it on my ITB. I've been doing a lot of stretching as well. I hope it has been working cause it has been more sore since I started this routine.

I am really trying to enjoy the slower pace of walking. I have to admit, it has been tough.

Anybody besides Juliann jumping in on the Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge? It isn't only for people who are already active and fit. Make a plan to end 2013 in a healthy way!!


  1. I am still clumping along with the stress fracture. I have been taking the dog for a slow walk every afternoon. Not far because I am supposed to be 'resting' my foot.
    I hope all your stretching works out the issue. It has been my experience that some things get worse before they get better. I hope the better is happening soon.

  2. I am very clumsy with my foam roller - best done when no one is watching :)


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