Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Country Girls Half Marathon

I made it! After my fall hiking South Sisters, Cascade Lakes Relay, knee pain, ortho and physical therapy visits (and the stress of my mother's death) I really did make it to the finish line of my final half marathon of 2016! I kind of surprise myself!!

 We stayed close by and I had my son and girlfriend drive me to the starting line. (they are here waiting for their Visa's to Vietnam)
 It's a relatively small race as this is only their 2nd year.
 Let's get this party started!
 You can see the pacers in front of me. (holding a turtle sign!) My plan was to keep up with them as long as possible.

 They pulled ahead of me at the mile 5 water station.
 It was such a lovely race course. Here's Mt Hood in the distance. (along with my pacers)
 I've never seen the Columbia River so calm and peaceful.
 I finished at 2:34. If I would have kept up the 11 min mile it would have been 2:24. Because my training didn't go as planned I actually thought I'd be walking more than I did. Maybe I'll try this one again next year since it was a flat and fast course.
We went out to Peruvian lunch in Portland later that afternoon. I can highly recommend Los Primas if you are ever in the area and looking for wonderful food.

Keep on moving!


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