Thursday, May 15, 2008

Opportunities for Activity

Are you passing up opportunities to burn calories? If you want weight loss to be a lifetime then we need to be burning calories anytime we can. We brainstormed at the meetings this week and these were a few ideas we came up with.

At work:
Instead of emailing a co-worker walk to their office. (When it's possible)
Take a quick walk for your break instead of being tempted by junk food in the breakroom.

Running errands:
Use a hand cart at the grocery store instead of a cart. (weight bearing, right? Also helps avoid impulse purchases)
Park as far away as is feasible when going to any store.
Save gas-ride a bike or walk.

In your car:
Tighten your abs or buttocks instead of just sitting. (if you are driving, pay attention to the road, please! )

Doing chores:
Instead of making a pile at the bottom of the stairs, take the individual items up before they all gather.
Put on music- move to the music. You'll enjoy scrubbing the windows!
Walk to the mailbox instead of picking it up in your car on the way home.
Mow your lawn with a hand mower or push mower.
Wash your car with a bucket and wash mitt instead of a drive-through car wash.

Watching TV:
Ride your stationary bike.
Get on your treadmill
Do some arm curls or crunches

So what can you do this week to add a little more activity?

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