Monday, August 24, 2009

Off my Booty!

After a healthy week away in mid July I haven't gotten any consistent purposeful exercise. I am active, but like to make sure I go purposefully for a walk or jog or work out with weights. Do you know what a month without this type of exercise does to your body? Turns all that hard working muscle to fat! Aargh!

This sign should read "Danger, If you don't move it, you lose it!". My son and I took a day trip to Crater Lake. It was gorgeous. There is only one safe way down to the water and not only was it a steep climb you had to watch for falling rocks!!

Part way up I had him take a photo of the path. I needed a lot of short rests on the way. He gave me some pretty pitiful looks.

He is my best supporter and we did make it back to the top eventually. It was a good reminder for me what happens when we think we can take a break from exercise.
So, get active and enjoy the rest of your summer!

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