Friday, August 28, 2009

Recovering From Summer Part 2

It still feels like summer in my neck of the woods, but the evening is cooling so I know autumn is just around the corner. Time to rev back up the weight loss!
This week we talked more about how to get fired back up and back into program mode.
The two other pillars of Weight Watchers that we covered were Healthy Habits and Attend Meetings.

The first Healthy Habit we discussed was Learn From Experience. What has worked for you in the past and was has not? Have you joined WW numerous times, started losing weight, then thought you could do this without going to the meetings? Have you continued to be successful, or did you slowly let unhealthy habits creep back into your life.
For me, I know I cannot have red-light foods in my house. If they are in the cupboard, I'll eat them. I need to weigh and measure every now and then to keep my portion sizes from getting too big.
What have you learned from experience?

We also talked about Managing Your Environment. Do you need 10 minutes to find your exercise videos or your tennis shoes? Do you know where your tracker is? Does the vending machine at work have your name on it? Do you have healthy food in your refrigerator right now? Are your snacks packaged in single portions? Give some thought to how your environment is affecting your weight loss.

Attend the meetings is key to success with Weight Watchers. Jean (the founder of WW) asked neighborhood ladies to her house to discuss food and weight loss. WE are here to support you. Do you need the accountability of the scales? Do you need to connect with fellow members? Do you have program questions? Are you struggling in certain areas? Part of WW is the sharing that goes on between members. Be sure to speak up at meetings, ask questions and be a part of the group!

What one thing will you commit to doing this week to get back on track? Maybe you never got off track, what will you do this week to make you a healthier person?

Now go and do it!!!

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