Monday, February 15, 2010

Motivation Matters

Did you promise yourself you'd lose weight or get back on the program at the first of the year? Now that we are in mid- February how's your motivation to keep going?
If we just glide along without a plan chances are you have already started to lose motivation. We need some strategies.
Positive Self talk is the first place to start. The internal messages we tell ourselves can have a huge external impact. Examples of negative self talk are "I have too much weight to lose" I have no willpower" I don't have what it takes to lose weight and be healthy." Those messages will not help you succeed and reach your goals! Positive messages will propel you toward your weight loss goals. "I have all the tools I need to lose one pound this week", "I am worth the effort""I have accomplished other hard things in my life so I know I can accomplish this" Positive self talk is a big part of reaching your goals!!
Do you have a vivid picture in your mind of what you are working toward? What small goals have you met already? How did reaching these goals make you feel? Powerful? Write down how you feel when you reach a milestone and re-read that message when your motivation needs a boost.

The mind is as important to weight loss as healthy food and exercise.

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