Monday, November 15, 2010

Holiday Prep

Do you have a plan on how to handle all the holiday goodies? Are you cooking? I always worry a little at this time of the year. Food is generally plenty and the bad weather keeps me from getting outdoors to burn lots of calories.

One strategy for me that has worked on previous holidays is to wear a ring that is a tad too big. So when I'm cooking or washing dishes or just wanting to snack along with the rest of my family  my ring reminds me of where I've been and where I do not want to return!! (this is the anchoring tool from Weight Watchers)

A few other strategies that help:

I use low fat ingredients and don't tell anyone.

I also use low calorie recipes and again I don't tell anybody!! (Look for a fantastic Weight Watcher apple pie recipe on my site)

Plan your breakfasts/lunch/snacks and dinners well ahead of time. Have your fridge stocked with lots of fruits and veggies.

If you are hosting Thanksgiving dinner and having family for a few days (I am this year) make it easy for them to get their own lunch or snacks.  Wraps, whole wheat bread, lean cold cuts and veggies make a wonderful healthy afternoon meal.

I premake low fat low calorie muffins in a variety of flavors (you can find them on my site too) and have plenty of fruit. Everyone can help themselves in the morning when they get up.

Do you have a great tip you'd like to share. I'd love to hear about it!!


  1. We have tried to cut back on all the extras - cheese and crackers before dinner, candy and nut dishes on the coffee table. And, if I don't buy it, I won't eat it so I really do try to resist the temptation at the store.

  2. Lori, I love this blog! It's a treasure chest of info! I'm always trying to keep a healthy diet, so this is great! Thanks!

  3. Great tips! I am not having Thanksgiving at my house, so that helps. I will be cooking some side dishes and I will be using low fat versions.
    I will also plan ahead.
    I like the ring tip, good reminder that I do not want to go back up in weight. I am down just over 30#.

  4. Thank you for setting up this blog Lori. I need to get motivated again and get into a workout routine.

    I want to do start with some walking tomorrow morning to get into the groove again. I need to loose 5kg or about 10lbs for starters!


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