Monday, December 16, 2013

Need Accountability?

I took on a clean eating challenge from Friday through Sunday and although I didn't pass with flying colors it sure helped me get back on track.
A friend shared that she was struggling too, so we are being accountable to each other for a while until we feel like we are passed the trouble area.

I remember when I was a Weight Watcher employee and someone mentioned they didn't want to have to think about what they ate all the time. I remember exactly what I said. I told them if I wasn't conscious of what I was eating I would gain back the weight I lost.  That was 12 years ago and my brain and body have been through a lot of changes since then, but what I said then stands true now.

I need to be aware and conscious of every bite!

I have been doing the Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge and have been enjoying more fruits and vegetables then ever. It has been wonderful, especially during the holidays.

How are you mindful of what you are eating? Do you need some accountability? Want me to send you an email every morning reminding you of your commitment you've made to eat healthy?

Let's end 2013 healthy & positive!!!


  1. I have been off the wgon for way too long. I have set the date and will be getting back on track. I think my foot is almost healed. My BFF lost 100# on weight watchers and instead of food this year I sent her a new yoga DVD. I might need someone to answer to to get me going again.

  2. I here you Beth! I too have been "off the wagon" for way too long as well. You are great motivation Lori. I'm anxious to get up and moving and really working but am working on getting over my double achilles bursitis (arrggggg....getting old is....well, you know). But I am on the mend as my good days now outnumber my bad so I figure it is time to get up and move and really pay attention to my nutrition as well.

    1. Db achilles bursitis?! Yikes!! I thought it was bad enough to have hip bursitis on one side! Let me know how I can help you, Brenda.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I definately need to be accountable. Oy Vie.

  5. love the quote. I should post in on my fridge, shopping list and in the pantry. I do not think I could be totally "clean". I have a weakness for carbs. How hard has it been?

    1. Phaye, I hope you see this reply. There is not an email associated with your comment so I cannot respond in an email.
      Eating clean does not mean no carbs! I love my carbs too but get plenty of them with healthy grains, fruits and veggies. For me, eating clean 100% is difficult. It is so hard to escape processed foods and foods with added sugars. I also try and avoid GMO as well. Feel free to email me so I have your address and we can chat!!

  6. You are such an encourager. Sounds like we might need a January accountability challenge group?


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